We have decided to make this, Easter 4, the last week of putting together the prayer letter. Thank you to everyone who has read it and for all the encouraging feedback we have received from people over the last year or so.

We will still e-mail round the pew-leaflet each week to those on e-mail and, if wanted, we will arrange for a pew leaflet to be put through the letter-box of those who can’t get to church and don’t use e-mail. We also hope to soon be able to offer home-communions to those who can’t get to church and are of course very happy to still be contacted.

We started sending out these letters on Mothering Sunday in 2020 little knowing that we would still be sending them out over a year later.

We cannot know the future but we can know the Good Shepherd!

May God bless you and your loved ones. Simon.

Author: lorna

Non-Stipendiary Assistant Priest.