Lent Course 2024

Following our very well-supported joint Advent Group with Abbey and Dirleton Kirk, we are offering a joint Lent Course. It will start on Thursday 22nd February at 7.30pm at Abbey Church for five weeks. We will be following a course written by the popular biblical scholar Paula Gooder called a “Way through the Wilderness” which looks at how we can hold on to faith in times of crisis. It would be useful for book-ordering to know who might come, please sign the list at the back of church.

Holy Week & Easter Services 2024

Palm Sunday – Liturgy of Palm Sunday 11am

Monday of Holy Week – Ecumenical Service at St Baldred’s 7.30pm

Tuesday of Holy Week – Ecumenical Service at Abbey Church led by NBCF 7.30pm

Wednesday of Holy Week – Ecumenical Service at Our Lady Star of the Sea 7.30pm

Maundy Thursday – Eucharist of the Last Supper St Baldred’s 7.30pm

Good Friday – The Last Hour St Baldred’s 2pm until 3pm

Easter Sunday – All Age Eucharist 11am followed by an Easter Egg Hunt

Harvest Thanksgiving

Sunday 2nd October

9.30am St Adrian’s Family Eucharist
11.00am St Baldred’s Family Eucharist

Gifts of produce will go to the East Lothian Foodbank.
At the moment their most needed items are long-life milk, long-life fruit juice, tinned meat, tinned fruit, tinned vegetables but they will be able to use tinned/ packet goods with a long shelf-life and toiletries too.

5pm Harvest Evensong at St Adrian’s followed by sweet and savoury nibbles and drinks.
All Wellcome!

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

A joint service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will be held in the Abbey Church on Sunday 23rd January at 6pm. All welcome.

The materials for this year have been prepared by the churches of the Middle East, Based on the story of the Magi they are entitled ‘we saw his star in the east’.

Creator of light, illumine our path by the light of Christ who moves before us and leads us. May he be a beacon for our pilgrimage. Enlighten us and dwell within us. Guide us to discover a manger in our hearts where a great light still shines. We thank you for the gift of that unfading Star, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Heal our divisions and draw us closer to the Light that we may find our unity in him. Amen.

Christmas Services at St Baldred’s & St Adrian’s

Traditional Carol Service

Sunday 19th December, 5pm @ St Baldred’s

Children’s Christmas Eve Nativity Service

Friday 24th December, 5pm @ St Adrian’s

Midnight Mass

Friday 24th December, 11.30pm @ St Baldred’s

Christmas Day Family Friendly Eucharists

Saturday 25th December

9.30am @ St Adrian’s and 11.00am @ St Baldred’s

Services on Sunday 26th December will be as normal.

Sea Sunday

On 11th July we will be welcoming the Revd Tim Tunley, Mission to Seafarers Scottish Ports Chaplain to our morning service. He will update us on the work of the Mission to Seafarers and how the current pandemic has impacted on the lives of those who work at sea.

There will be a retiring collection in aid of the Mission to Seafarers.