
Baptism is the full admission into the life of the church. The Scottish Episcopal Church believes in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins, and therefore recognises the baptisms of all trinitarian churches.

Baptism can happen at any age. Once someone has been baptised we consider them a full member of the Church. Baptism is a gift from God and we welcome anyone to baptism.

You don’t need to be a member of the Church to have a baby baptised. What matters is that those concerned are committed to bringing up a child as a Christian.

Baptism involves:

  • Declaring your belief in God
  • Making promises
  • A new beginning
  • Sharing in the death and resurrection of Jesus in a symbolic way
  • Joining the church family, local and worldwide.

We are happy to meet you to discuss more fully what is involved and what it means. Please contact the Rector.