The Rugged Pathway

Each year, at the beginning of May,  members of St Baldred’s participate in The Rugged Pathway – an East Lothian Pilgrimage.
The pilgrimage began in 1971 as the brainchild of the 17th Earl of Lauderdale, whose ancestors were buried in the Lauderdale Aisle, an ecumenical chapel at St Mary’s in Haddington. In its heyday, an estimated 2,000 plus took part in what was an international, ecumenical pilgrimage.
Today numbers are much smaller and the Pilgrimage follows a slightly different route from the original with stops on the way for reflection and prayer.
The pilgrimage begins at St Mary’s Haddington. The first stop is at the ruin of St Martin’s. The pilgrims then walk along the river Tyne and over the hill to Athelstaneford passing the ruin of Barnes Castle. From there they progress to Prestonkirk and finally St Mary’s Whitekirk. It is possible to join the route at various points on the way.

Look out for details towards the end of March if you think you would like to take part.